Writing (page 18)

The Arrival of the Cactus V4s (+ my new photo wall)

5 Jan 2010

That's right! After five weeks of waiting, my Cactus V4 wireless triggers have finally arrived. I ordered them back in November, in the hope that they would simplify the whole off-camera flash process and thus make it more fun. Up until now I've been restricted to a coiled TTL cable, which meant I couldn’t be much further than a metre away from the flash, which was somewhat limiting. But now - fingers crossed - that’ll be a thing of the past.

The Catchup Post

2 Jan 2010

I haven't written a blog in a while. No excuses really, but I hope to get back on track in the upcoming weeks. This is mainly a catch-up post, going over a few things that I probably should've mentioned earlier, that have happened over the last few weeks. Namely: New lighting gear Website re-design in the pipeline Happy New Year!

Baby it's Cold Outside

18 Dec 2009

Oh the weather outside is frightful. But it can only mean one thing. Christmas is upon us once again. And the weather is trying so hard to be festive this year. It is for this reason I'm in the mood to list my top 10 Christmas songs. In no particular order.

The Glorious Misfits

11 Dec 2009

This show has impressed me. If you haven't watched an episode yet, you've probably seen one of the million trailers E4 put out every week. From the trailers, it's easy to dismiss this show as another chavfest teenage angst, sex-obsessed drama (albeit with a touch more action). With that in mind, I decided to watch anyway. I'm glad I did.

Phoenix - 1901

10 Dec 2009

This song is featured on the latest advert for PS3. I initially thought - that is a nice sounding song, goes well with the content of the advert. Well today I figured out what the song is.

Phrazes for the Young

4 Dec 2009

I mentioned the sounds of Julian Casablancas in this post. It wasn't much of a review post as I hadn't heard much of the song at that point. Since then, I've bought his album - Phrazes for the Young - and I thought now would be a good time to review it.

The Bokeh & The Rain

30 Nov 2009

Well, it rained this weekend. A lot. I took advantage of this by capturing the view out of my window. I've got some really nice photos of the lights out of my window that, if they're far enough out of focus, appear as circular coloured blobs. This is better known to the photography minded individual as "bokeh" (pronounced "bow - kuh").

When did we all stop doing nothing?

25 Nov 2009

We're all aware of how fast the world is moving. Technology, fashions, work. And it's easy to trick yourself into some relaxation at some point during the day. But - these days - do we ever really just stop and do nothing? And I mean nothing. Just you and your thoughts.

The Twilight Phenomenon

18 Nov 2009

We cannot get enough of vampires. And this particular love story between a vampire and a mere mortal seems to have captivated the world. What struck me this weekend is the staggering popularity of the Twilight saga films. Huge billboards, television adverts, plastered across train & tube station walls, striped across buses and bus stops. You name it. New Moon - the next installment in the Twilight series of books & films - is set to be massive.

My thoughts on Halloween

31 Oct 2009

It's that time of year again, the last day of October, Halloween. Although it seems Halloween has almost become a week-long celebration. And, in all honesty, this is a quick rant about my dislike of Halloween. Feel free to stop reading.