Writing (page 19)

Flash Forward (+ New Search page)

26 Oct 2009

Flash Forward just keeps getting better and better. Made by the guy who made Lost I hear? Well he must've figured things out since then. Namely, how not to lose the audience's attention with a snails pace storyline. With that said, I love Lost. Ha!

The Excellence of the Peep Show

25 Oct 2009

We're well into the 6th series of the Peep Show now and I wanted to post in recognition of how good this show is. What makes the Peep Show so good, in my opinion, is how consistent it is, series after series. If you've seen and liked an episode, you're guaranteed to like every other episode. And I think it's for this reason why the Peep Show has gathered so many loyal followers. Myself included.

A Farm Photoshoot

20 Oct 2009

I've neglected my photography a bit recently, so I decided to post a few pictures I took yesterday. I'm into wide-angle shots in a big way and shoot mostly at the widest angle I currently possess, the 18mm end of my 18-15mm kit lens. As you may know I am also a bit advocate of off-camera flash. The following shots are an example of both.

Bejeweled Madness

17 Oct 2009

I'm ashamed to say as of yesterday I am officially a Bejeweled addict. More specifically, Facebook's app Bejeweled Blitz. I warn you, do not get into this. It will take over your life!

The Invention of Lying

16 Oct 2009

Lamefest. Seriously. What was Ricky Gervais thinking with this film? It is rather hard to pick something about this film that I actually liked. That's how bad it was.

Possibly the least interesting post yet

15 Oct 2009

I've been working on my Javascript coding more recently. It's baby steps at the moment because a lot of it baffles me. Mostly due to the fact that there isn't any error feedback. If there's errors in your code, the script just doesn't run. How convenient.

Monopolising London

13 Oct 2009

Last week, Charlotte and I decided to descend on London for the day. Not uncommon, however this time we were on a mission: visit every monopoly property on the board. After a full 12-hour slog, we finally reached our target... well, close enough.

10 reasons why 99% of photos on Facebook suck

6 Oct 2009

Ok, this is a little bit of a rant. Along with my photography hobby I also developed an annoying smugness for all photos. I'm a self confessed photo snob. It's unfortunate, because I once used to enjoy browsing photos on Facebook. Now, it's a case of, "wow that photo sucks", "oh my", "damn - what were they thinking", "oh it gets worse", etc. So to celebrate this rather ugly trait of mine, here is my compiled list of the top 10 reasons why Facebook photos suck.

Premiership Predictions

5 Oct 2009

A quick prediction post to summarise the football rush I always get at the end of the weekend. I should say, I'm a Chelsea supporter.