Note: This post is over 14 years old. I was 21 when it was originally posted. I stand by my old posts but bear in mind my opinions may well differ now.

Misleading yet suitabily effective advertising

Posted on: 26 January 2010

Opening up my preferred bit torrent website for some routine TV programme downloading, I was presented with a rather provacative advert. Now this isn't the first time I've seen this particular ad, and it caught me attention the first time I saw it too. What I found amusing about it was what it was advertising. And hey, I'm not judging: if it works, it works!

Provocative Advert

Now I won't post the actual website, but it's for an online roleplaying game, similar to World of Warcraft. Coincidently, 'WOW' also seem to be applying alternative advertising techniques, using Mr T as their spokesperson. This particular website, however, have taken a different tact.

Given the audience of these types of games is probably mainly teenage boys, what adolescent could say no to a half naked lady offering a seductive head-tilt and an even more seductive play on words? After all, I screenshotted that bad boy, cropped it and uploaded it onto my blog! That "Play NOW" button is just begging to be pressed.