Writing (page 15)

30 Seconds to anthemic pop rock goodness

6 Apr 2010

It has to be said, I've grown a little partial to the band 30 Seconds to Mars. It's not something I'm ashamed of, but equally not something I will be shouting from the rooftops. If, after this revelation, you doubt my sanity and musical taste, before you judge, you must check out their collection of hits they're racking up. Their current single, This is War, is the latest song from the band to catch my attention. And it's 30 Seconds to Mars doing what they do best.

The Only Revolutions you'll need

2 Apr 2010

A while back now, I raved about Biffy Clyro's single release, The Captain. Since then, I've had the pleasure of acquiring the album Only Revolutions, providing me with 11 more tracks to sink my teeth into. Hold onto your hats people, this album will rock your socks.

Kick Ass

31 Mar 2010

I saw this film a few days ago now. After watching it I decided I'd wait a few days for it to sink in as, to be quite honest, it caught me off guard a little. This is a strange film. On first impressions it looks like a light-hearted super-hero comedy, with average chumps attempting to beat up bad guys but inevitably getting their asses handed to them. And, as a brief summary, that's what the film is. But let's just say there's a lot more besides.

Footballing Injuries

26 Mar 2010

I have an odd fascination of horrific injuries to the body, bred - I suppose - from a natural curiosity of the human body. At the same time, this stuff really grosses me out. But I suppose it's true what they say, human curiosity knows no bounds. If you're weak stomached, I suggest not reading on.

Portfolio Mini-site launch

24 Mar 2010

It's been in a state of almost completion for over a week now, so I think it's time to launch my portfolio mini-site. It won't be of interest to the average reader, but I'm hoping it will help my Internship applications. It's not particularly packed at the moment, but I'm hoping to add to it as I complete more projects.

The Magic Mouse

23 Mar 2010

However I dress this up, I am still essentially reviewing a mouse. Which does officially count me as a nerd. But - people - this is a nice mouse. I am of course talking about the Apple Magic Mouse, the successor to the popular (although flawed) Mighty Mouse (which, as it happens, has dropped the 'Mighty' from its name and is now simply the 'Apple Mouse'. Most likely for copyright issues with this fella)

The genius of The Smiths

19 Mar 2010

I have recently come to realise something: I love the Smiths. A short time ago I wasn't in a very good place in my life and thought to myself, "I feel like shit, I feel sorry for myself, I'm going to indulge in some depressing music. (Hey, we've all been there at some point) What depressing music do I own? The Smiths are depressing, right?". At first it did what it said on the tin, but then I began to realise The Smiths aren't depressing at all. Their music was having a positive effect full of uplifting vibes. This, from a band who sure love to sing about death and heartbreak.


16 Mar 2010

This week is the final episode of the forth series of Skins and I wanted to pay a small tribute to it. I find something very refreshing about Skins that keeps me coming back for more. Yes, it's depressing. But it's raw and unique at the same time. It's not afraid to be controversial or shocking and it's not afraid to stand up and be different. The ending of the penultimate episode with Freddy (I won't spoil it if you haven't seen it) came out of nowhere and really showed the strength of Skins and what it has become. The last episode on Thursday is sure to be a corker. Yes, that's right. I said corker.

Nottingham Uni Halfway There Party

10 Mar 2010

Last week I was asked to come to Nottingham and photograph an event. Despite not being payed, I saw it as a good experience to take some photos and improve as a photographer. The event was a success, and despite a few issues I ended up with some good photos of the night.

Starting work on my Portfolio

9 Mar 2010

In addition to this blog, I intended to use this domain name to host a portfolio of my work. To stand a chance of getting any sort of design job, a portfolio is necessary, and this is something I've been lacking. Before the big Macbook meltdown, I had started to put together some initials designs and actually started work on the website. However, I lost enthusiasm after that went down the drain. However, the work must restart!