Everyone has their own opinions on this. And it's something that often can't fully be explained or justified: the hatred for a song. A hatred so strong that you can't possibly listen to it in its entirety. I've compiled a short list off the top of my head:
Widescreen has been commonplace in televisions for many years now, as well as in computer monitors and laptop screens. Ultra wide aspect ratios have been favoured by movie makers for even longer. And why? Because it's awesome, that's why. Everything looks better in widescreen. Yes, even photographs.
There's definitely a debate to be had about the use of Shuffle when listening to music. As usually seems to be the case in these situations, I'm still somewhat undecided over which I prefer. Although the term is sufficiently self-explanatory, to clarify, shuffle involves the playback of your tunes in a random order. This is usually a pre-determined list, to enable you to skip backwards and to ensure all songs are played at least once before being played again. But now we're just getting into technicalities.
Despite the fact that I get the grand average of around 3 visitors a day on my blog (hey, I'm happy it's not 0 ;)), I feel compelled to write this anyway. I've played guitar since the summer after my GCSEs, so, with a quick bit of maths, that adds up to about 6 and a half years. Wow. Didn't know it had been that long. I've only had the pleasure of playing with fellow musicians for about 2 of those years. That, I have decided, must change. And thus: Project Rock Band (Nothing official about this title, I do believe Jack Black already coined it in School of Rock. Meh.)
Following a rather half-arsed wander around my town's new Woolworthes replacement - the prestiogous 99p store - I stumbled upon something quite magnificent. You may remember a post I made last month about the disappearance of my favourite sweets. Well, I am proud to announce, Bassetts now sell a very similar product under the name 'Bassetts Allsorts - Red Liquorice'.
I thought I'd break my week long lull (don't ask) with a hats-off to an album I have recently rediscovered. The album is To Lose my Life and the band is White Lies. I'm not too sure how successful this album was, as I dip in and out of the mainstream music quite erratically throughout the year. I remember when I acquired this album last year, I tipped it as a good'en, but I'm only now really discovering how good an album it is.
I got a few new toys for my Birthday, adding to my ever-growing lighting setup. I'm still a noob when it comes to off-camera lighting but I'm learning more every day and this kit should keep me occupied for a while.
A somewhat ridiculous statement you might say, given the design and colour scheme of this blog. And I hate to admit it, but there is something much more readable about dark text on a light background, compared to a light text on a dark background. I feel some examples coming on...
After a positive start, I admit I have been slacking a little. However, overall my sleep pattern has improved. As more of a night person I'm finding it difficult to persuade my body it's time to sleep at a time that - to me - seems too early (not to mention the ever present number of distractions available). Mornings aren't much better; it's all about motivation (or lack of). And that is something I am hoping to improve in week 2. Without further ado, here all the results of week 1:
The new design has finally arrived. And it took longer to implement than I thought it would. I will update this message tomorrow when I'm thinking more clearly. There are a few things I'd like to introduce about the new version. There are a few bugs I need to iron out, so if you catch one - please give me a shout (leave a comment). Thank you!