No where near as sinister as it sounds. I'm talking about Jason Derulo's chart topping number 'Whatcha Say'. I'm not as behind the times as this statement suggests. In fact I have just taken this long to decide my true feelings. I love Hide & Seek by Imogen Heap, I think it's a brilliantly unique song. Now usually I try to avoid the mindset that a remix or sample taken of a good song must be bad. But in this case, I must agree.
I've just read an article on the Internet off someone's blog regarding the use of commas in a list. Now I've always been a little fanatical about grammar, or more the lack of it in todays society. Modern technology (Internet, social networking, mobile phones, etc.) are to blame, but that's a blog entry for another day. This particular article struck home as I can clearly remember the moment when the "correct" method for writing a list was taught to me. Or so I thought.
Opening up my preferred bit torrent website for some routine TV programme downloading, I was presented with a rather provacative advert. Now this isn't the first time I've seen this particular ad, and it caught me attention the first time I saw it too. What I found amusing about it was what it was advertising. And hey, I'm not judging: if it works, it works!
Currently I'm stuck in the most relentless and annoying sleep pattern. A combination of unemployment, sheer laziness and post-adolescent nocternal altertness (OK I just made that up) has caused me to get stuck in the annoying late-to-bed-late-to-wake repetition loop. But this will change; and this post marks this change.
Apologies for this rant, but it's something I'd like to share. Something that has come about fairly recently on Facebook (correct me if I'm wrong) is fan pages. Now as I understand, these are for celebrities, musicians, actors, etc. - anyone who has "fans". However it seems the intellectually-challenged sector of Facebook has managed to confuse and misuse this feature.
It's something I've feared for a while now, and as of today I have given up hope. It seems Bassetts Fruit Allsorts no longer exist. I just need a minute...
The daringly delicious alternative to Liquorice Allsorts seems to have vanished from the face of the Earth. I can only assume this is due to lack of popularity, as the general concencus online seems to be negative. I find this hard to believe, and I stand alone when I say I love loved Fruit Allsorts.
Well, perhaps a bit of an exaggeration. But I always get a little overexited whenever I hear this. The song is Plan B - Stay Too Long, which, as a whole package is an alright song. But the verse riff stands out for me as something special.
Apple make it easy-peasy to put your tunes onto your iPod or iPhone, via iTunes. But they go out of there way to stop you going in the opposite direction. If you've ever enabled your iPod for disk use and opened it up on your desktop, you'll see the way Apple has confuzzled it up enough to stop you cherry-picking songs from an iPod. Fair enough, you can grab the whole lot, but if you want just a couple, there are easier ways to do it.
I have just found my new favourite person on YouTube. Presenting: charlieissocoollike. After brief research I discovered Charlie has been making videos for about 2 years, but he's new to me. And I can't let this moment pass without mentioning him. In a nut shell: he is fricking awesome.
At barely a year old, the hard drive in my Macbook has failed. Sad day, yes. The good news is I have been backing up via the seamless software Time Machine. Bad news is that despite my efforts to back up over the last fortnight, my last successful backup was back in October. So that's bye-bye photos for the last 3 months, bye bye music & bye bye web stuffs.