4 Dec 2024
I think about this quote a lot. It could be dismissed as being in the bracket of toxic “hustle culture”, after all, there’s comfort in routine and the status quo. Repeating the same thing over and over can feel like it’s working and will continue to work in perpetuity.
6 Jun 2024
At Arena Online, our plan this year is to begin migrating our existing legacy codebase off Rails 3 and into a modern Rails 7 app; simultaneously shedding over a decade’s worth of technical debt.
22 Apr 2024
One of the many reasons I love running is its track-ability. There’s a tongue-in-cheek saying in the fitness world, “If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen”. But like any hobby, you can choose how much you involve stats in it. Running can be a joyfully simple and analogue activity. Conversely, you can track any and every metric from your distance down to your running mechanics. I land in the second camp, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly.
31 Oct 2023
Most start-ups fail. Intuitively, they fail because they run out of money. But what’s the biggest reason for this? The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries, speculates it’s because too many companies build the wrong product for the wrong people. He goes on to extoll the value of the MVP (Minimal Viable Product). MVP is the basis for discovering what matters to your audience.
5 Sept 2023
To-dos. I think most people have a love/hate relationship with to-dos. They’re a great way of organising what’s in your mind into a salient list of achievable goals. God help me remembering this stuff if I didn’t write it down.
16 Aug 2023
I find myself inside pull requests a lot at work. Whether I’m authoring one myself or reviewing a co-worker’s, I’ve become pretty familiar with the Github PR screen and what makes a good PR review experience. So here’s my top tips to improve your PRs.
17 Nov 2022
Until fairly recently in my adult life, I’ve been in the fortunate position to not have to worry too much about my spending habits. I would say I’m quite a conservative spender, and this, coupled with a job in tech for the last decade, has served me well.
27 Sept 2022
I read a thought-provoking Tweet recently which unfortunately I’ve been unable to dig up now. Essentially, it proposed the notion that, when building software, we need fewer code reviews and more pair-programming.
20 Sept 2010
A quick to post mention Coda, from Panic: 'Shockingly Good Mac Software'. With a company tag-line as confident and self-assured as that, it'd be a shame not to check out this bit of software. In a nutshell, Panic develop web-based software for Macs. The particular bit of software I'm interested in is Coda.