Writing (page 5)

2023 Goals

9 Jan 2023

I enjoy having goals for the year. They act as my guide for the year when I’m feeling a bit lost. Yes they have the power to overwhelm, which is why choosing the right goals off the bat and giving yourself a break is crucial.

2022 in review

3 Jan 2023

This past year has been a good one for me. A few hastily-made goals for the year turned into this very blog; a project conceived out of not a lot else. I’ve steadily chipped away at the functionality for this site over the past 12 months, using the On The Side Slack community for motivation along the way.

Book Review: Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson

13 Dec 2022

An eye-opening book, however some of the recommendations and values are a little heavy handed, so I would recommend a healthy dose of self-moderation when reviewing the suggestions. There was definitely enough in here to spark my creativity and realign my compass as to how I live my life, and more pertinently, how I consume.

Master your spending habits

17 Nov 2022

Until fairly recently in my adult life, I’ve been in the fortunate position to not have to worry too much about my spending habits. I would say I’m quite a conservative spender, and this, coupled with a job in tech for the last decade, has served me well.

Bringing your Notion database to life with Eleventy

25 Aug 2022

Notion is an excellent productivity tool, which I use extensively for my daily journalling. Another awesome tool I use as a developer is Eleventy (11ty). 11ty is a static site generator built in Node.js. A static site generator means the building of webpage occurs in a separate process to viewing the website. This has the huge benefit of serving up a load of uncomplicated, plain HTML pages to the end user, really fast.

CSS Cache Busting in Eleventy

20 Apr 2022

I’m pretty new to 11ty, and I’m figuring things out as I go. One of those things recently was cache busting my CSS. I’m by no means an expert in front-end development, but I figured it couldn’t be that hard to add a fingerprint hash to my CSS files to ensure changes are always pulled in by the browser when viewing my site.